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Message from the Chair

Message from the Chair

Holly Tresadern22 Dec 2023 - 13:01
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Another fantastic year at Cheam Hockey Club

I’d like to start by listing a whole load of excuses as to why this is the first message from the chair for the 2023-24 season... I’d like to, but I’m not going to. Simple fact is there is no excuse, I’ll give myself an F and ‘must do better in 2024’.

The season has rattled along at an amazing pace so far - it doesn’t seem like it has already been 12 weeks since we started again. Numbers are really good this season and we are already looking into entering at least one 4th eleven next year. Stand out performers have to be the Men’s 3rd XI who go into the Christmas break with a 2 point lead at the top of their league. I'd like to say a big thank you to all the captains and coaches for all the work they have done so far this season it is really appreciated and best of luck for the second half.

Our Junior section has also been really well supported - a big thank you has to go out to Keith Boyce for stepping up and filling the massive void left by Joy and Malcolm. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the Juniors are the lifeblood of the club as seen by the numbers that have moved into Senior hockey now. I also want to say a big thank you to all those that have stepped up to be Team Managers and coaches - you're all massively appreciated and vital in ensuring the juniors enjoy their hockey. One final thank you goes to all the seniors that have gone along on Sunday for an hour our two, the kids love it and really enjoy your help.

There have been a few social events so far, culminating in the Christmas do on 2nd December. From what I can remember it was a great evening, everyone enjoyed it immensely. Thanks to Jules and Mabin for sorting all that and we look forward to a few more nights out and the end of season do in 2024.

Unfortunately I received some sad news this week, Craig Wilson passed away last week and our thoughts are with his family at this time. For those of you who knew Craig I’m sure you will agree with me he will be sorely missed. He was the original Duracell Bunny, he looked the same a few weeks ago when I last saw him as he did 25 years ago when we first met. I never believed him when he used to tell me his age as he was still diving around the D in his goalkeeper’s kit like a teenager. If you would like the details of his funeral, please get in touch.

There was also some amazing news a couple of weeks ago. Jenny Brennan and Gill McDonnell have been selected to represent England at over 60s. A truly wonderful achievement and well deserved. We wish them the best of luck and will keep you all updated on their performances.

Finally, myself and the rest of the Executive Committee wish to thank everyone that helps Cheam Hockey Club to be the amazing club it is. There are too many to name individually, but your help, support and presence at the club make it what it is. This includes anyone that has picked up a whistle, helped coach midweek/Saturday/Sunday, captained or been on the team that makes hockey happen.

All that is left is to wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas - I hope you have a wonderful time and that you have all made it onto the good list. I look forward to seeing you all in 2024 and more spectacular times at CHC.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

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